Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is a an interesting way of solving problems using recursion. At it’s core, it consists of breaking down a problem into simpler to solve sub problems recursively. A famous problem to show case this is the backpack problem. The backpack problem is a very famous computer science problem. Assuming we have a backpack that can hold 4kg worth of items we want to figure out how many items we can fit while at the same time archiving the highest amount of value possible.

item price weight
stereo 3000 4kg
laptop 2000 3kg
guitar 1500 1kg

One potential solution would be to create a set with all possible options and pick the set with the highest value. However, this process is really slow.

numer of items number of possible set
3 items 8 possible sets
4 items 16 possible sets

We can use dynamic programming ot solve this problem. It works by solving subproblems and bubbles up to solve the big problem. With the backpack problem we start with a smaller backpack and work our way up.

Every dynamic programming algorithm starts with a grid where the columns are the different weights our backpack can hold and the rows are the items.

items 1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg
stereo 1500 1500 1500 3000
laptop 1500 1500 2000 3500
guitar 1500 1500 1500 1500

For each backpack we pick the best option and save it in our grid that way we don’t go over the same items over and over. In the last column the laptop only weights 3kg thus we have 1kg free space. We can look at our grid and pick the highest value 1kg option. We do this for every cell in fact. We take the value of the current item and add the value of the remaining space:

4kg = 3kg laptop + 1kg of free space (guitar)

If we add an item to our list, we compare it to the pre calculated cells and update accordingly rather than recalculate everything. Another neat things, is that the order of the items does not matter.

Dynamic Programming caveats

Dynamic programming only works when each subproblem is discrete - it does not depend on other sub problems. Also, you can only work with whole numbers (complete item) and not fractions (1/4 of a laptop). Every dynamic programming solution involves a grid which means the problems has to fit a grid.