Simple solutions to problems with Greedy Algorithms

Simple solutions to problems with Greedy Algorithms

A greedy algorithm is simple in each step and that is it’s beauty. In each each step, you pick the optimal move. Suppose we want to fill a classroom for as much as possible with classes.

subject time frame occupied ?
art 09:00 - 10:00 YES
english 09:30 - 10:30  
math 10:00 - 11:00 YES
computer 10:30 - 11:30  
music 11:00 - 12:00 YES

We simply picked the classes that finish the soonest. This we ended up with:

art -> math -> music.

The solution was simple, however, this doesn’t work always. If we look at the knapsack problem where we try to fit the most amount of items in a backpack based on their value assuming the backpack can hold 30 Kg.

item weight (Kg) price ($)
stereo 30 2500
laptop 5 2000
iphone 0.1 1000

Using the greedy algorithm we would pick the stereo because the simplest step would be to pick the most expensive item that fits and so on. If we had picked the laptop and iphone we would have had a bigger value.

Another type of greedy algorithm are approximation algorithms. They come close to the solution but do not fully optimize. You can judge them by their speed and how close they are to the optimal solution.

If we look at a set covering problem where we have various carriers and each carrier covers different regions. However, some regions overlap so we want to pick the carriers that cover the most regions. Each set includes several carriers so we have to pick the right set.

The solution would be to look at each carriers subset (regions) which is called a powerset with (2^n) possible sub sets. Now we pick the set with smallest number of carriers that covers the most regions.

We have sets of carries and each carrier has a sub set of regions.


This is really slow. The time grows exponantially with every carrier. If we use an approximation algorithm, we could:

  1. pick carriers that cover the most regions. Even if some regions overlap.
  2. Repeat until all regions are covered.

This approach is much faster:

# of carrier exact approach estimation approach
5 3.2 sec 2.5 sec
32 13.2 years 102.4 sec

In fact, this problem is similar to the travling salesman problem. With each station we get a new set of options and combinations.

# of cities calculation result
2 \(\ 2\ cities \times 1\ route\ each\) 2 routes
3 \(\ 3\ cities \times 2\ routes\ each\) 6 routes
4 \(\ 4\ cities \times 6\ routes\ each\) 12 routes

This is a factorial function. Similar to our exact algorithm to find the best region coverage. The traveling salesman approach is NP-Complete. NP-Complete means it is hard to solve and therefore can’t be solved quickly. Thus we are better off using an approximation algorithm to solve NP-Complete problems.