What is an Algorithm and how does it work ?

What is an Algorithm and how does it work ?

An algorithm is a set of instructions for accomplishing a task. There are various algorithms for all types of purposes we will look at 2 specifically in this post starting with Binary Search.

Binary Search is an algorithm to find an element in a sorted list. If the item is in the list, it returns the position of the item else it returns null.

Suppose we search a number 1-100. We could check one by one or start in the middle 50 if its higher we can skip the first 50 numbers. Then we repeat this step with 75 and so on.


we start at 50

We can already see that binary search is much faster. It doesn’t have to search every single item which reduces the amount of steps required to find the number. In fact the speed is \(\Theta(log_2n)\) where n is the number of items to search through. We can compare it to simple search as follows:

  1. simple search: \(\Theta(n)\)
  2. binary search: \(\Theta(log_2n)\)

Log is the inverse function to exponentiation. In other words, how many times do we multiply a number by itself to get the desired number. ex.

\[log_{10}100 = 10 \times 10 \\\\ log_{10}1000 = 10 \times 10 \times 10 \\\\ log_{2}8 = 2 \times 2 \times 2\]

The notation we saw above is called Big O notation and is used to tell how fast an algorithm is. The Big O comes from the greek letter Theta \(\Theta\) which goes at the beginning of the notation followed by the number of operations.

notation examples
\(\Theta(log_2n)\) log time, binary search
\(\Theta(n)\) linear time, simple search
\(\Theta(n \times log_2n)\) fast sort, quick sort
\(\Theta(n^2)\) slow sort, selection sort
\(\Theta(n!)\) really slow sort, traveling salesperson

Finally to look at how slow an algorithm can be we will look at the Travling Salesperson algorithm:

A Salesperson has to go to 5 cities and wants to visit each city while traveling. Thus we draw different routes and pick the shortest.

# of cities possibilities
5 120 permutations (steps)
6 720 permuations (steps)
7 5040 permutations (steps)

A Permutation is an ordered Combination.

As the cities increase the steps grow factorial \(\Theta(n!)\) factorial time. Unfortunatly, for this problem there is no faster algorithm available.

I hope it became easier to understand what an algorithm is and how it works.

Reference book Grokking Algorithms