Deploy React to Github Pages

Deploy React to Github Pages

Github pages is a greate place to host your blog and static websites which is why I was intrigued about hosting my personal React projects there as well instead of Firebase. It surpised me how simple it is so lets do it.


Before anything we have to create an empty repository no license, no readme on Github.

Step 1: Create our App

For this I used create-react-app.

create-react-app my-project
cd my-project

Step 2: Setup git

Now we have to configure git for our project. We have to initialize git in our project and add our github repository:

git init
git remote add origin https://your-link.git

Step 3: Setup package.json

We have to add the link our project will live at in our package.json at the top. The location is simple:

"homepage": ""

Step 5: Install gh-pages

This package is responsible for putting the content of our build folder into its own branch gh-pages on our github repository. We add it to our dev dependencies:

yarn add -D gh-pages

Step 6: Add deploy script

create-react-app generates a package.json which has several predefined scripts to run the developement server, build our project, run our tests, etc. We are going to add a simple script that does the job for us so that we just have to run it each time we want to deploy our app. Normaly we would have to build our project first and then run the gh-pages command to deploy our project:

  1. yarn build
  2. gh-pages -d build

But we are lazy so we add this line to our scripts:

"deploy": "yarn build && gh-pages -d build",

Each time we want to deploy our project we just run that script:

yarn deploy