Learning Docker from scratch

Learning Docker from scratch

Docker has been around for a while and it is an incredible tool to manage applications environments and ensuring that each application runs as intended on any system. It has powerful features to scale our applications and manage multiple instances of it. In this post we will learn about Docker, its features and how to use it properly.

[Photo by A J on Unsplash]


Basic docker commands

# output docker version of our computer and the docker server
docker version

# detailed information about docker
docker info

# list of available docker commands

# login into docker (create an account first)
docker login

# logout from our docker account on the computer
docker logout

Image vs Container

Docker is build around the concept of images and container but what are they and how are they different ?

  1. An image is the application we want to run (ex. ubuntu)
  2. A container is an instance of an image as a process
  3. Many containers can run from the same image (blueprint)
  4. Prebuild images can be found on docker hub

Running Containers

In order to run a container we have to have an image from which the container can run off. For that we can pull an image from the docker hub and then run the conatiner:

docker pull nginx
docker container run -d -p 80:80 --name myconatinername nginx

Here we get the latest version of the nginx image and start the container using the image. The —publish/-p flag exposes the our localhost port to the containers port localhost:container. The first 80 is the local port and the second 80 is the container port. The –detach/-d flag tells docker to run this conatiner in the background. Finally we can name our container to access it later using the –name flag.

Once we have our container running we play with the container commands:

# list currently running containers
docker conatainer ls

# list all containers
docker container ls -a

# show logs of our container
docker container logs myconatinername

# view process running inside the container
docker container top myconatinername

# get information about our container
docker container stats myconatinername

# stop our container
docker container stop myconatinername

# remove our container
docker container remove myconatinername

Keep in mind that removing a container doesn’t remove the image it is based off.

Running commands inside Containers

We can start a command prompt inside the container by using the -it flag and the -ai flag

# start container with an image and get a command prompt
docker container run -it nginx

# start prompt inside an existing container
docker container start -ai myconatinername

# start prompt inside a running container
docker container exec -it mycontainer

Docker Network

Each container is connected to a private virtual network “bridge” and each virtual network routes through the NAT Firewall of the host. All containers within the same virtual network can talk to each other without having to expose a port.

We can use these network commands to get the network information of our running containers

# check port of our running container
docker container port myconatinername

# list our networks
docker network ls

# view which containers are running a network
docker network inspect bridge

# create a network
docker network create my_network_name
docker network create another_network

# specify which network to our container with
docker container run -d -p 80:80 --name webserver --network my_network_name nginx

We can attach a network to a container using the connect command and detach using the disconnect command. The connect command takes two container names each connected to their own network and connects the second container to the first container’s network

docker network connect my_network_name myconatinername
docker network disconnect my_network_name myconatinername

Using a custom network we get automatic DNS resolution. This is very useful because normally we would have to specify the IP addresses of each container to access it from another container in the network. The problem with that is that when we run our container those IP addresses can change easily and we would have to manually update all those IP addresses. Instead we can create a network and connect all containers to that network which allows us to communicate between containers using their names.

# create a network
docker network create my_network_name

# run two container on that network
docker container run -d -p 8080:80 --name firstcontainer nginx:alpine --network my_network_name
docker container run -d -p 80:80 --name secondcontainer nginx:alpine --network my_network_name

# communicate on that network
docker container exec -it firstcontainer ping secondcontainer

The last line does the actual communication. We are pining our secondcontainer from within our firstcontainer.

Working with Images

An image holds the app binaries and dependencies and the metadata requireed to run the image. It is not a complete OS because it runs on the same kernel as the host machine. Docker hub hosts all the images available to the public. Images come two forms:

  • Official: mantained by the creator and Docker Inc.
  • Unofficial: mantained by a single person or open source.

Unofficial images require special attention to the documentation, downloads and stars

Image can come in different versions. Docker uses Tags to specify the image version. Ex. latest is the latest version, stable is the latest stable version. It is also possible to use the actual version number: nginx:1.11.9. There are also small light versions usually build in alpine.

Each image is build on different layers. This means that each layer gets its unique SHA (gets cached) and therefore Docker knows which layers are already present. That way Docker can safe the space and time required to recreate that layer.

# view the history of the image layers
docker image history myimage

# inspect an image (commands, environments, author, architecture, etc.)
docker image inspect myimage

Docker images don’t have a name but an Image ID. Conveniently we can refer to images using a Tag and a version optionally. We can therefore create a new tag for images we already have which is useful to create our own images.

# download the nginx image
docker pull nginx

# give a new tag to make it our own
docker image tag nginx alexander/nginx

# list all our images
docker image ls

> REPOSITORY          TAG       IMAGE ID        CREATED       SIZE
> alexander/nginx     latest    be1f31be9a87    2 days ago    109MB
> nginx               latest    be1f31be9a87    2 days ago    109MB

Notice that docker recognizes this is a copy of the nginx image and therefore assigns it the same IMAGE ID.

Now that we have our own image, we can push our new image to our docker repository (if we are logged in).

docker image push alexander/nginx

# create another tag for our image
docker image tag alexander/nginx alexander/nginx:mynewtag

# push new tag to our repository
docker image push alexander/nginx:mynewtag

Understanding Dockerfiles

A Dockerfile contains all the information required to build a custom image. This becomes useful as our images become more complex and they are more convenient than running a long command from the CLI configuring containers. Dockerfiles use a language specific to just Dockerfiles and looks similar to a bash script:

# specify the image we want to use
FROM alpine

# create environment variables for using later
ENV MY_NAME alexander

# specify what to run when the container starts
RUN echo ${MY_NAME}

# specify our working directory
WORKDIR usr/share

# copy from our folder into the container using the WORKDIR
COPY app.js app.js

# specify which ports to expose host:container
EXPOSE 80 433

# last command that runs when starting the container
CMD ["echo", "We are done"]

Now that we have a Dockerfile we can build our image from it. For that we navigate to the folder where our Dockerfile is located first:

# build image tagging (-t) it with a name
docker image build -t myalpineimage .

Keep in mind the . at the end. As it tells docker build it for the current directory

The output of this command is important to take note off. We can see that docker generates a SHA for every step we specified. This means that when we change something like the EXPOSE port numbers, docker will not run any previous command again since they were cached as we saw earlier. Only from the line we changed until the end docker regenerates SHA keys and executes those commands again. Therefore it helps to keep in mind that docker reads the Dockerfile from top to bottom. That way we can put the commands that change the most further down and the ones that change the least at the top.

Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.048kB
Step 1/5 : FROM alpine
 ---> 196d12cf6ab1
Step 2/5 : ENV MY_NAME alexander
 ---> Running in 46472daea8c8
Removing intermediate container 46472daea8c8
 ---> 6f7b38a47d57
Step 3/5 : RUN echo ${MY_NAME}
 ---> Running in 34212670be87
Removing intermediate container 34212670be87
 ---> 0e89f257f4a3
Step 4/5 : EXPOSE 80 433
 ---> Running in 7f8a18ee6623
Removing intermediate container 7f8a18ee6623
 ---> e56821bae325
Step 5/5 : CMD ["echo", "We are done"]
 ---> Running in 82456498a19c
Removing intermediate container 82456498a19c
 ---> e95d785d44ae
Successfully built e95d785d44ae
Successfully tagged myalpine:latest

And right after step 3 we see that the echo commands gets executed. The final echo “We are done” doesn’t get outputed until we run a container from that image.

A Containers Lifetime

Containers hold an internal state where changes persist until the container is removed. This is why container are immutable or ephemeral. Nonetheless, we usually work with project that require persistant data everytime we run a container (ex. database). For those kind of scenarios, Docker offers two solutions:

  1. Volumes: special location oustide a container
  2. Bind Mounts: link container path to host path


In order to use volumes we have to tell Docker in our Dockerfile which VOLUME to use.

# tell docker to save mysql data here
VOLUMEN /var/lib/mysql

For the container it will look like a path inside of itself but under the hood docker takes care of creating a space on our local machine and save it there. If we take a look at a mysql image for example, we can run a container with that image and then inspect it:

docker pull mysql
# mysql requires a password we bypass that with this variable
docker container run -d --name msql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True mysql
docker container inspect msql

In the output we can see a section called Mounts and in there we can see that the Destination is a local path but the Source is actually a path on our host machine.

"Mounts": [
    "Type": "volume",
    "Name": "2eab7ae997d2fd89470485705f47547ba349411071b78ebbafa405903634f4ae",
    "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/2eab7ae997d2fd89470485705f47547ba349411071b78ebbafa405903634f4ae/_data",
    "Destination": "/var/lib/mysql",
    "Driver": "local",
    "Mode": "",
    "RW": true,
    "Propagation": ""

A simpler way of viewing the volumes on our machine is the volume command.

docker image ls

$ local   0b406327b01c78c63aa3b35df442ee1d662ef337c8ed7d2e4526491e11ee70ce

docker volume inspect 0b406327b01c78c63aa3b35df442ee1d662ef337c8ed7d2e4526491e11ee70ce

    "CreatedAt": "2018-10-02T22:20:10Z",
    "Driver": "local",
    "Labels": null,
    "Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/0b406327b01c78c63aa3b35df442ee1d662ef337c8ed7d2e4526491e11ee70ce/_data",
    "Name": "0b406327b01c78c63aa3b35df442ee1d662ef337c8ed7d2e4526491e11ee70ce",
    "Options": null,
    "Scope": "local"

By default Docker will create a new volume for every container we run and it will give it a unique ID which is hard to remeber. We can make things simpler for us by telling Docker to name the volume something easier to remeber. Now we can also use that volume name for new containers we create.

# give the volume a name
docker container run -d --name msql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True -v my-favorite-name:/var/lib/mysql mysql

# change the volume but not needed
docker container run -d --name msql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True -v /var/lib/another-place mysql

docker container run -d --name another-msql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True -v my-favorite-name:/var/lib/mysql mysql

Bind Mounts

Bind mounting maps a host file to a container file. Which makes both our host and the container point at the same file. The downside of this method is that we cannot specify it inside a Dockerfile but have to use when we run a container. We will use the same -v flag but a little different.

docker container run -d --name ngin -p 80:80 -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html nginx

While it is less convenient, we can actually map our project inside the container this way and have a live/sync version inside.

Automating with Docker Compose

Docker compose lets us configure relationshops between containers and save our our docker container run settings which in turn allows us to run several preconfigured containers with a single command. It consists of a YAML file and the docker-compose CLI. The yaml file has to be named docker-compose.yml by default but it can be customized with the -f flag:

version: '2'

services: # containers we want to run
  serviceone: # a name for each container
    image: # optionally used to build
    command: # replace the default image CMD
    environment: # -e when using docker run
    volumes: # -v when using docker run
    ports: # which port to expose
volumes: # create a volume if it doesn't exist

networks: # create a network if it doesn't exist

docker-compose is not a production tool but a developement tool

There are two main commands when using docker-compose:

  • docker-compose up
  • docker-compose down

In a real life scenario this very powerful as it allows to save our entire environment in a single and then we reproduce that project on any machine that has docker installed by simply:

git clone my-project-repo
docker-compose up

This would take care of installing everything from databases, volumes, networks, ports, libraries, etc.

We can also use docker-compose to build custom images. Docker will build anything that it can’t find in the cache when we run docker-compose up