Learning Game Design
Scholars define a game as a closed system that subjectively represents a subset of reality. Simply put, a game is an activity that meets 3 criteria.
TCP/IP Overview and History
TCP/IP consists of various protocols. The two defining protocols are the layer 3, IP (Internet Protocol) and layer 4, Transmission Control Protocol. Hence the name, TCP/IP. Both TCP/IP and the internet were developed at the same time by DARPA with the purpose of creating a research network. At the beginning, there was only TCP but upon realizing its limitations its developers split it into TCP for transmission and IP for end-to-end communication. This change was introduced in version 4 hence the first real version of IP is 4.
The OSI reference model layers
As we know from the OSI reference model, each layer has characteristics and protocols. The lowest layer is layer 1 or the physical layer. It defines network hardware specifications. Technologies in this layer perform data encoding, signaling transmission and reception functions and is related therefor to the data link layer.
Learning Git
Git is a powerful tool that lets you keep track of your code. It allows us to go back, revisit, fork, branch and merge changes and thus it is incredibly versatile.
Understanding the OSI reference model
The OSI reference model provides a framework for both designing network systems and for explaining how they work. The OSI model was originally created as a basis to design universal sets of protocols called the OSI protocol suite. The suite was never used but the model became a tool for education and development.
Data, Numbers and Math in networking
Computers store all information in binary digital form. In other words, data is composed of ones and zeros. The bit is the fundamental building block. We can collect bits into groups to represent larger amounts.
Network Standards and Organization
Networking standards can be proprietary, open or defacto.
Understanding Performance in a Network
Everyone wants high-performance. However, the cost, quality, reliability, expandability and maintainability are all attributes which will have an impact. The higher the performance requirement is the more difficult it is to keep these attributes intact. Expanding and maintaining high-performance networks is more expensive and difficult. The key consideration should therefor always be the clients need and to build a network that fits it.
Types and Sizes of Networks
Networks are divided by size and communication method.
Introduction to Networking
A networking is a collection of computers or hardware that are connected together. Networking describes the process involved in designing, implementing, upgrading and managing works with networks and network technologies.