Udacity Lessons

Find notes, links and responses for the Udacity Lessons.

002 Introduction to Neural Networks Nov 2018 Learn the concepts behind how neural networks operate and how we train...
003 Talking PyTorch with Soumith Chintala Nov 2018 Hear from Soumith Chintala, the creator of PyTorch, about the past, present,...
004 Introduction to PyTorch Nov 2018 Learn how to use PyTorch to build and train deep learning networks....
005 Convolutional Neural Networks Nov 2018 Learn how to use Convolutional Neural Networks to build state of the...
006 Style Transfer Nov 2018 Use a Deep Neural Network to transfer the artistic style of one...
007 Recurrent Neural Networks Nov 2018 Learn how to use Recurrent Neural Networks to learn from sequential data...
008 Sentiment Prediction with RNNs Nov 2018 Here you will build a recurrent neural network that can accurately predict...
009 Deploy PyTorch Models Nov 2018 How to deploy PyTorch models with Torch Script