React Design Patterns

React Design Patterns

React is a powerful library which enables to build complex and scalable user interfaces for the web and mobile. This article is for react developrs who want improve their skills and dive a little deeper into the react ecosystem. If you have build a small or medium sized application this article is right for you.

Understanding React better

When we read the react documentation, one of the first things that we learn is that react enforces declarative programming. Simply put:

  • Imperative: describes how things work
  • Declarative: describes what you want to archive

Imperative programming tends to be harder to read while declarative programming avoids creating and mutating state (variables). For that reason, components give us the perfect way of describing what we want rather than the how. Lets assume we want to render a map in an imperative way.

function render_map(x, y, zoom) {
  let map = new Map(longitude: x, latitude: y);
  map.setMarker(x, y);

This is mostly pseudo code but we can see how imperative programming looks like. We declare variables, configure, keep track of variables and potentially modify them when needed. The declarative way is through components.

<Map zoom={3} x={190} y={95} />

The central part of a component is the element which describes what gets rendered on the screen. An element can have children or direct decendants. There are mainly 2 types of elements.

  1. String Element: DOM Node
  2. Function Element: Component

Combined they form the render tree. Each component gets passed its props and react renders them recursevly in a process called reconciliation.

One of the things that seems akward at first, is how react combines javascript and HTML into one syntax called JSX. Typically we wouldn’t do this because seperation of concerns has thaught us that this is bad. However, javascript and HTML are tightly coupled no matter how seperated they are structured. Javascript always is there to modify and extend the HTML as we already saw from traditional templating engines like Mustache, ERB, EJS, etc.

Ways to keep our Code Clean

React provides us with 2 ways of defining our elements, javascript functions and JSX. In order to use modern Javascript, we need bable to compile our javascript into a browser compatible version.

Although JSX and HTML look similar we have to keep in mind that it gets transpiled to javascript which means we can’t use any javascript key words such as class and for. Instead we use className and htmlFor for example.

When writing JSX, always prefer multilines for components and properties as they make it easier to read.


For conditional code, we can use the if/else syntax however, a cleaner way of creating conditional code in our components it through inline conditions.

{ isLoggedIn && <LogoutButton />}
{ isLoggedIn ?<LogoutButton /> : <LoginButton /> }

For complexer UI elements it is better to use a helper function which conditionally returns JSX to keep the render method cleaner or split the component into smaller components. However, components are not meant to be packed with logic. One solution for this are Higher-Order-Components which we will cover later.

In order to keep a consistent format in our codebase, we can use ESLint. It comes with several extension which we can use to configure which format to follow. A popular one is the airbnb preset.

Another way of keeping our code clean is to follow the functional programming style. Specifically, functional programming is a declarative paradigm to avoid side effects and data mutation. It makes it easier to mantain our code. In javascript, functions are first class objects which allows us to build Higher-Order-Functions. HOF are functions that take a function as a parameter and return another function.

const add = (a, b) => a + b;
const log = (func) => (...args) => {
  return func(...args);

const logAdd = log(add);

This concept allows us to build HoC in react. Another key aspect of functional programming is purity or pure functions which are functions that have no side effect. Impure functions return different results because they modify variables outside their scope.

Yet another feature is immutability. If we have to change a variable, rather than modify the original variable we create a new one and return it.

Finally, a popoular technique in FP is currying which consists in converting a function with multiple arguments into a function that takes one argument at the time returning another function.

const add = (x) => (y) => x + y
const adder = add(1); // 1
adder(2); // 3
adder(3); // 6

Improve Component reusability with Hooks

Hooks let us use state and other features in functional components while at the same time being backward compatible. Thus far, we could only use state in class component the useState hook allows us to use it in functional components.

import { useState } from 'React';

const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);

We can use the the counter to reference the value and the setCounter to modify it. As great as hooks are there are 2 main best practices.

  1. Only call hooks at the top level
  2. Only call hooks from react functions

Another area where we can use hooks is the lifecycle methods. For that we can use the useEffect hook.

import { useEffect } from 'React';

// componentDidMount
useEffect(() => {
  // do something
}, []);

The first parameter is the callback of the effect we want to use. The second is the dependency array. We can use thh dependency array to conditionally fire the effect whenever those dependencies change.

A new addition to react is the memo HOC. This HoC allows us to do a shallow comparison between components based on the props and memorize similar components to render them faster. We simply wrap it around our components.

export default memo(MyComponent);

When performing filter and render heavy tasks the useMemo hook can help us. It memorizes the result of a function and listens to dependencies.

const filterTodos = useMemo(() => todos.filter(todo) => {}, []);

The dependency array at the end tells the hook when to render and when to ignore changes. When working with handlers usually we pass those down to the child components that end up using it to notify the parent. The issue is that the handler is passed to several components generating a new function each time and a new re-render.

Insteadm we can use the the useCallback hook. This hook memorizes the function definition resulting in less re-renders.

const handleDelete = useCallback(() => ourFunction, []);

Similar to other hooks the array stores dependencies to know when to re-render. Another use for useCallback is inside useEffect. When we call a function inside a useEffect, it becomes a dependency of that hook. However, functions change constantly causing a lot of re-renders and react will warn us of this. Instead, we can use a useCallback for our function.

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

const printTodos = useCallback(() => {
  // do something
}, [todoList]);

Here an overview of the hooks:

  • memo: memorize component
  • useMemo: memorizes calculated value
  • useCallback: memorize function definition

Finally, keep in mind to not use any of the hooks unless absolutly necessary. The purpose of these hooks is to improve performance of render intensive tasks in our components. However, if we over use them their worsen the performance.

Composition Patterns

No we will focus on communication between components. One key aspect is reusablity. We can archive this through small components which we can compose later to form complex UI.

While it is common to pass props to components to to pass data down, we can also use the children property. This allows us to render complexer elements beyond just text without adding more logic to our components.

const button = ({children}) => (
  <button className="btn">{children}</button>

Components typically are a mix of logic and presentation. We can use the container and presentational pattern to seperate those two concerns. It consists in splitting components into smaller ones with clear responsibilities. The presentational component is logic free. The container component is appended with “container” while presentational component gets the original name.

  • GeolocationContainer.tsx: handle geolocation logic, request, load, state.
  • Geolocation.tsx: functional pure component, just renders the props.

This pattern is useful when your single component logic becomes to coupled to the presentation (render block).

HoC are great at helping us reuse existing components to enhance them.

const HoC = (Component) => EnhancedComponent;

Using HoC we can for instance add props existing components or classNames. Similar to the children property can basically wrap the component.

const Enhancer = (Component) => (props) => (
  <Component {...props} extraProp={true} className="enhance-me" />

A slightly new approach is to use FunctionAsChild where instead of a component we pass a function as a child which feeds parameters at runtime to the component.

<Fetch url="...">
  {data => <List users={data} />}

This allows the user of the component to not be forced to use predefined prop names.

Understanding GraphQL

GraphQL is a query language for APIs which allows us to request the exact data we need. The best way of setting it up in the backend is with Apollo Server. Apollo among the best tools to setup graphQL on the client and server side.

On the server side we define our database models, resolvers and typeDefs to create a schema which we can use in our Apollo server. The typeDefs mirror our entities in the database similar to a database schema. It includes types for the entities, queries and mutations to describe which CRUD operations are possible. Queries are the equivalent of a GET request in a REST API. Mutation is how we post data covering the remaining (PUT, PATCH, POST, DELETE) verbs.

The typeDef only defines the different queries, mutations and types similar to a schema file.

Now we can move on to the resolvers. Resolvers are the logic behind the typeDefs we defined previously.In here we implement the queries and mutations. Once both typeDefs and resolvers are ready we have to combine them into a single typeDef and a single resolver. Luckily, apollo comes with convenient tools for this.

Next up is authentication. This is very important for APIs given that there is no state and the client is detached from the server. The most commong way to do this is through JWT and open standard that digitally signs the token (HMAC).

The way it works is we generate a secret key, import JWT in our backend and verify each request with the secret key. JWT takes care of signing the secret key so that it is protected together with an expiration date. Inside the token we can save a payload such as a user id which we can use then for our logic as needed.

We can implement JWT on the server by adding extra middleware to check that the user is logged in, check user privilage and redirect if needed.

Middleware is a function with access to the request and response objects and the next funciton to execute the middleware and move on to the next middleware or request handler.

While this wasn’t an exhaustive coverage of how GraphQL works with the client and server side. It provides a high overview and may clear up any doubt.

Handling Data

The react context API is a new addition to react. It is so popular that many developers are shifting away from redux as it allows us to share data between component but in a slighly simpler way. We begin by creating a context similar to how we would define a local state.

import { createContext } from 'react'

export const TodoContext = createContext({
  todos: [],
  url: ''

Then we create a provider component where can render the children.

const TodoProvider = ({children, url}) => {
  // do some logic to fetch data wiht the url
  const context = { todos, url }
  return (
    <TodoContext.Provider value={context}>

The provider component adds the context to the child component enhancing it. We can use this inside our app now to wrap any component that should get access to the context.

const App = () => {
  return (
    <TodoProvider url="...">

const Todo = () => {
  const { todos, url } = useContext(TodoContext)
  return (
    // => ...)

Another recent added feature is React Suspense. However, it is still experimental. Suspense lets us suspend component rendering until a condition is met. It can render a loading component or anything as fallback.

SWR (Stale-While-Revalidate) is an HTTP cache invalidation strategy. It returns the cache first, fetches the data and then returns up to date data.

First we configure SWR in our App through the SWRConfig component which does the fetching. The child is the component uses the suspense component to pass the data to its child component or fallback if it fails. Finally the grandchild can access and render the data using the useSWR hook.

import { SWRConfig } from 'swr'

const App = () => {
  return (
    <SWRConfig fetcher>

import { Suspense } from 'swr'

const TodosContainer = () => {
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={FallbackComponent}>
      <Todos />

const Todo = () => {
  const { data } = useSWR()
  return (
    // => ...)

Note that you can use Suspend several times. It will always perform fetches to validate the data is up to date. However, there isn’t a defined pattern for using it yet.

Forms, Events and DOM animations

When it comes to forms in react they can be controlled or uncontrolled. Uncontrolled components are components where we don’t manage the values directly but let the DOM do it.

const [values, setValues] = useState('')

return (
    <input type="text" name="name" onChange={handleChange} />
    <input type="text" name="email" onChange={handleChange} />

Looking at the handler, we use can use the event target to dynamicaly set the key in our state.

cont handleChange = ({target}) => {
    []: target.value

Using this technique we cna add as many fields as we want to our form. Every change triggers that handleChange event handler.

A controlled component contriolls the values of the input elements in a form by using the component state. For our input this means that we add the value field to set the value dynamicaly as well based on the state.

<input name="email" onChange={handleChange} value={} />

An important thing to note is that events work differently across browser. React wraps the handler to provide a consistent API for us. This is called a synthetic event. We can then attach handlers for each event we want to listen to. A cleaner approach is to use a single handler and swtich on the type to handle different events in one function.

const chandleEvent(event) => {
  switch(event.type) {
    case "click":
      // component was clicked
    case "dbclick":
      // component was double clicked
    case "hover":
      // component was hovered

When we attach an event, React doesn’t attach an actual event handler to the DOM node. It attaches a single event handler to the root element. Through event bubbling it can listen to all events. React can then call the handler of a specific component in a technique called event delegation. This improves memory and speed.

Sometimes we want to access the underlying DOM elements. We can do this with refs.

const inputRef = useRef()

const handleClick = () => {

return () {
      <input type="text" ref={inputRef} />
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Submit</button>

In general, avoid using refs because it is impertative rather than declarative which is what react strives for.

In react we can create animations in a declarative way with an addon called react-addons-css-transistion-group.

import CSSTransitionGroup from "react-addons-css-transistion-group"

const Transition = () => (
    transitionName = "fade"

transitionName is the name of the css class that gets added to the element. The component appends “-appear” to it. The “-appear-active” is there to so we can fire the animation.

// transitionName + "-appear"
.fade-appear {
  opacity: 0.01;

.fade-appear.fade-appear-active {
  opacity: 1;
  transition: opacity 0.5s, ease-in;

React motion is another library to handle animations.

import { Motion, spring } from 'react-motion'

return () {
      defaultStyle={\{opacity: 0.01\}}
      style={\{opacity: spring(1)\}}
      {interpolatinStyle => (
        <h1 style={interpolatingStyle}>Hello</h1>

What is interesting about react motion is that it uses the function as a child pattern. That way we can dynamically get updated styling for every point in time.

Styling Components

When it comes to styling components there are several approaches from CSS, inline-css to styled component and modules.

The problems with vanilla CSS at scale because names are global making it hard to name classes. It is difficult to attach one component to one CSS style in a different file which in turn makes it difficult to make changes. Furthermore, since the relation between CSS and components isn’t clear, it makes it difficult to delete old styles. Simply put, it is is difficult to isolate styles and mantain them.

For those reasons react recommends to inline the styles for components.

const style = {
  color: 'blue',
  width: 500,

<button style={style}>Hello</button>

Given that it is javascript and inlined, we can recalculate values on the client at runtime. Some limitation with this are however media queries and animations which can’t be done via inline styles. Debugging is another problem which is hard to do given that we don’t have class names nor ids to guide us. For those reason the react community developed tools to solve these problems.

Once of these is called radium. This way we can add pseudo-classes such as hover, active and focus as well as media queries.

const style = {
  color: 'blue',
  ':hover': {
    color: 'red'
  '@media(max-width: 480px)': {
    color: 'green'

Radium archives this through event listeners and attaches the styles as needed. Another tool which lets us keep our css files but scoped to our component is called CSS modules which works with webpack. (css-loader and style-loader). We create our css file and a style object with our css which we can use to add it as a class name.

.button {
  color: blue;
<button className={styles.button}>hello</button>

The good thing about CSS modules is that it scopes our css and allows us to write normal css (animations and media queries included).

Yet another more modenr tool tries to combine inline styles with css modules ability to keeo our css. It is called styled component. Using this library we can write our css like usual using template literals.

import styled from 'styled-component';

const Button = styled.button`
  color: blue;

Server Side Rendering

Server side rendered pages are better for SEO and can be perceived as faster while allowing knowledge sharing between the front and back end. We can render react components on the sever. However, at a cost.

A universal application is an app that can run on the server as well as on the clien. Using SSR (server side rendering) we can render react on the server. Javascript can run on the the sever as well as the client allowing knowledge sharing which in turn makes it popular to build isomorphic applications with react. An isomorphic applications is an app that looks the same on the client as on the server also known as a universal app.

One of the main reasons of rendering on the server is SEO. Another big advantage is that of using a commong language, javascript, for the entire code base. If we render parts of the app on the server we can render viewable content quicker. SPAare quick and responsive but their first load time is usually slow.

As proimising as SSR is it comes with its short commings. We have to mantain a server with all its routes, handlers and logic. Thus SSR shuold only be used when it is really necessary.

Now we can build a SSR application. We will need a server usually an express web server and a client. Webpack allows us to combine our client and server code. On the server side we need a template.ts file which exports a function to return to the browser.

In our server we import React and express and configure it pointing at our static assets. We import our react component and inside a request handler we can render it.

app.set('/', req, res, () => {
  const body = renderToString(<App/>)
  const html = template(body)

As you can see we render the app component and pass it ot the template function. We can load data from a database or an API and feed it to the component as a prop. For that, we have to define it in our tempalte prior and make the data globally available through the window object window.my_data = xyz.

const html = template(body, my_data)

While this seems quite complicated, we can simplify it through Next.js. In Next.js we can build pages that match the browser URL and build our app using several conventions. Nonethless, Next.js comes with its own set of solutions and documentation.

Improve Performance

While itself optimizes whenever it can there are various areas where the developer itself has to do optimizations.

React optimizes the rendering by calling hte render method recursively and modifying as little as possible. This process is called reconciliation.

React renders components again when two elements have a different type or doesn’t have a key property. If we don’t provide a key, react mutates all the elements to render the view again resulting in bad performance.

<li key="1111">Hello</li>
<li key="1112">Hola</li>
<li key="1113">Hallo</li>
<li key="1114">こんにちは</li>

Another way of reducing rendering calls is by using immutable data with Memo hooks.

const obj = {
  name: "Alex",
setState({ obj })

Here we create a new instance each time we mutate the object. Using this technique, the React memo hook’s shallow comparison will find the difference given that the object changed. Finally there are babel plugins that optimize our code at build time.

  • constant-element-transformer: extracts static components from render call
  • inline-element-transformer: replaces jsx declaration with optimized version

Testing and Debugging

Testing components is an important part to protect against bugs and confidently change our code base. In React, we can use Jest with Enzyme and the React Testing Library. Simply install Jest and add it as a script to your package.json

"scripts": {
  "test": jest,
  "test:coverage": jest --coverage

At the root of our applicaiton we need a setUpTests.tsx file where we import our testing library for testing.

import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extended-expect'

Now we are ready to test our components. Suppose we want to test a simple component that renders “Hello World” in an h1 element and accepts a prop name to customize the greeting. We first create a file with the same name as the component and append .test.tsx.

import React from 'react'
import { render, cleanUp } from '@react-testing-library'

import HelloWorld from './index'

describe('Hello World', () => {
  it('should render Hello World', () => {
    const wrapper = render(<HelloWorld/>)
    expect(wrapper.getByText('Hello World').toBeInTheDocument())

  it('should render the name prop', () => {
    const wrapper = render(<HelloWorld name="Alexander" />)
    expect(wrapper.getByText('Hello Alexander').toBeInTheDocument())

We can then run our test with our scripts using yarn or npm.

yarn test
yarn test:coverage

Using Jest we can test for DOM events as well by firing events.

const nameInput = wrapper.container.querySelector('input[name="name"')
fireEvent.change(nameInput, { target: { value: "Alex" }})

For Redux testing we can use Redux Devtools to debug the Redux flow.

Routing in React

In react routing isn’t build in but added with a third party library like React Router. In order to add a router, we import the BrowserRouter component from react-router-dom and wrap out routes with it with is which are just components.

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

  <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />

The router comes with several features that makes routing easier. React Router comes also with a Link component that renders an anchor tag without re-rendering the entire page. In our routes we can dynamically match routes as well.

<Route exact path="/user/:id" component={User} />

The id becomes available in the component through the match prop which holds the parameters.

const User = ({match}) => (

Anti-Patterns to avoid

This far we looked at best practices for creating react applications. Now we will cover some common anti patterns to avoid when crafting react apps.

A common error beginers do is to populate the state using the props that come from the parent. When the component sets the initial state to the prop, we create a fork of the data. If the prop changes, the state gets out of touch and viceversa when the state changes it doesn’t change the data in the parent who send the prop. For that reason, unless our goal is to just initialize the state and never update it we can use this technique but the name of hte prop should reflect this intention.

Previously, we looked at how a key property improves the performance of a list. However, it is important to pick our key value wisely to avoid unwanted behaviour. In fact, a common error is to use the index of a list as a key. The problem with this is that the index always starts at 0. If we render a list with 3 items their keys become 1,2,3. However, adding a 4th item react thinks that all 3 items changed and adds the item at index 0. Given that the index isn’t unique we get this behaviour. This we lose the performance gain.

The key has to be unique and stable

Another anti pattern is spreading props on components.

<Home {...props} />

While it allows us to quickly drill several props down it also adds props which we might not want. Among those props might be non-standard attributes which is why react will warn us when we do this as well. If we want to pass certain props as a group we can pass them down in a prop. We can than spread that single prop rather than the whole prop object.

<Home hello="world" domProps={\{ className: "hello-world" \}} />

const Home = (props) => (
  <div {...props.domProps}>