Responsive images are key to a snappier web app and and to show a special care
to our mobile user’s who usually load our content using their mobile plans. That
is why we can make use of the HTML picture element as well as a simple grunt
task (you can use gulp or webpack as well).
When we write a lot of scripts we will eventually want to automate some tasks like saving Database backups, scrap a website periodically, do POST or GET requests to an API, etc. In all these cases we will need a task scheduler. On a Linux systems, our easiest and best option is Crontbab and while it is a great option for quickly creating a scheduled task both on Linux and Mac, Apple deprecated it in favor of launchd. This does not mean that we can’t use Crontab on Mac but the downside of Crontab is that is assumes your machine is awake and therefor will skip the task until the next time if this is not the case. On the other hand, launchd will not run while your Mac is asleep BUT once you wake it up again, it will run.
About 2 months ago I learned about Free Code Camp
and it certainly is a great resource, so I spend quite some time working through
to the excersises (I skipped HTML & CSS for the most part). The lessons are
divided into simple to solve exercises and including a projects from time to
time which I honestly quite enjoyed a lot especially the weather API project, I
have mine on CodePen. I really like
the whole community on Twitter (especially the
#100DaysOfCode) and the
Medium Blog posts.
I started blogging years ago when I was in highshool. It never became something
coninstent and I must have started like a dozen of blogs about my different
hobbies. I have exprience using Blogger and Wordpress (paid and free). If I
would have known Jekyll existed I would have used it from day one but I didn’t
know how to program 3-5 years ago. My point is that Jekyll is a really great
blogging tool (my favorite) if you are willing to learn a little.