Take a tour with Pandas

Take a tour with Pandas

pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool, built on top of the Python programming language.

The Basics

Pandas is build to analyze data. It uses Series, DataFrames and other data manipulation objects to help us understand data better. Every Pandas notebook starts with the basic import statement.

import pandas as pd

Data is very important which is why Pandas can import various files such as csv, pdf, hmtl, json, excel, sql as spss.

# returns a DataFrame
car_brands = pd.read_csv("_data/car_brands.csv")

Pandas offers different objects to mirror data:

  1. Series represents 1 dimensional data
  2. DataFrame represents 2 dimensional data
car_series = pd.Series(["BMW", "Honda", "Toyota"])
car_color = pd.Series(["Red", "Black", "Blue"])

car_data = pd.DataFrame({"Car Maker": car_series, "Car Color": car_color})

Finally, after manipulating our data, to cleanup it up for example, we can export our changes to a new file as well.

car_data.to_csv("_data/new_car_data.csv", index=False)

Viewing and Selecting Data

A DataFrame and Series can hold a lot of information. If we want to navigate around, we can use loc and iloc to access a specific row.

  • loc returns the row at index
  • iloc return the row at the position (index independent)

We can use a dictionary like syntax to access the colums of a DataFrame:


# query column
# only show red colored cars
car_data[card_data["color"] == "red"]

Manipulating Data

Now we have looked at how to import, display and query our data but Pandas allows us to also change data. This is useful to sanatize our data for further analysis.

# lowercase the color column values
# maybe the person who inputed the color wrote it sometimes all caps
# sometimes capitalized or something else
car_data["color"] = car_data["color"].str.lower()

# query for missing rows where the color is missing
car_data_missing_color = car_data[car_data["color"].isnull() == True]

# fill the empty spots with the mean of the column
car_data["color"].fillna(car_data["color"].mean(), inplace=True)

# drop rows with the missing property

# we can shuffle our data to break up patterns in ordered lists

# finally if we need more control to alter a value in a row
# we can use lambdas
car_data["doors"].apply(lambda doors: doors + 1)

And that is it. There is more to Pandas of course but this covers the basic CRUD operations one would like to perform with Pandas.