If you know basic high-school math, you can quickly learn and apply the core concepts of computer science with this concise, hands-on book. Led by a team of experts, you’ll quickly understand the difference between computer science and computer programming, and you’ll learn how algorithms help you solve computing problems.
- 1 Introduction to Computer Science
- 2 How does the Computer really work
- 3 Core Programming Elements
- 4 Conditional Structures
- 5 Loop Structures
- 6 Arrays
- 7 Sorting and Searching
- 8 Using Objects
- 9 Defining Classes and creating Objects
- 10 Object Inheritance
- 11 File input and output
- 12 Putting it all together
Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash
1 Introduction to Computer Science
Programming is not the same as Computer Science. It is a tool to implement Computer Science concepts. While Programming languages come and go the underlying algorithms are the most important thing as they can be applied to any programming language. It is important to understand that computers only do what they are explicitly told.
Computer Science is about problem solving:
- Understand the problem
- Write out a solution in plain english
- Translate it to code
- Test the code on the computer
2 How does the Computer really work
Understanding the underlying machinary of computers enables us to develope more efficient software. Digital Computers consists mainly of:
- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- Memory Unit
- Control Unit
- Peripheral (mass storage, UI devices)
Most computers today are based on the Von Neumann model computing
Memory stores content as numbers (radix - positional representation). Memory is built from cells where each cell has its own address (cell = byte). Each cell hold up to 8 bits or 1 byte.
There are two types of memory:
- RAM (Random Access Memory)
- Mass Storage (SSD/HHD)
Mass Storages are measured in special units: kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte. Computers are based on radix of 2 (2^10 = 1024). All binary prefixes and names were codified by the IEEE as a standar in 2005.
The abbreviation for kilo (k) is written in lowercase because the uppercase (K) is a reserved letter for temperature measurement in Kelvin
Programs are operated by a Control Unit which executes intructions in logical sequencial manner. Each execution is controlled by a time mechanism called a clock. A Clock operates in frequencies (time step) and is measured in Hertz (Hz where 1 Hz = 1 clock cycle per second.
Clock speed is not a good way of camparing performance across computers because of the overlap between phases of instructions and because different instructions take a different number of clock cycles. Therefore, FLOPS (Floating point operations) and MIPS (Million of instructions per second) measure instruction rate rather than time per instruction. As processing power increases the access of data in memory dominates the speed of execution which is why newer approaches are introduced (ex. gigateps)
Memory consists of string of bits (Bytes) which can be stringed together to form longer strings. The Control Unit can decode and execute strings of bits which results in instructions leading to new instructions. The same bits can also hold data.
Unicode: character and non character-based texts standard consisting of 1-4 bytes per item
Computers execute code by compiling or interpreting it. Compilation consists of a compiler that analyzes a program for statements and produces a file with executable instructions. Interpretation consists of an interpreter that analyzes statements and executes them as it encounters them. Pure interpretation doesn’t produce instructions for the computer only effects.
Ruby support 2 types of interpretation: interactive mode where you type one statement at the time and batch mode where you create a file and the interpreter analyzes it for instructions.
3 Core Programming Elements
For Ruby Installation instructions read this post
In programming a variables is a piece of data attached to a name. Most
programming languages declare variables like in algebra variable_name =value
It is a good practice to give variables a meaningful name and avoid special
characters. If you want to use multiple words for your variables name use a _
to join them. Variables store a value at a given memory location. While
variables can change constants allow us to declare unchangeable variables.
Variables can have different data types and each data type needs a different amount of memory allocated. In Ruby data types are defined as Classes. The most common Data Types are as follows:
- Integer: possitive or negative number
- Float: decimal number
- String: one or more characters surrounded by quotes (‘ or “)
- Boolean: true or false value
Ruby will always try to remain in the same data type as such we have to do the conversion to ensure that the operation we want to do are doable.
It is common to do mathematical operations which why ruby supports binary
operations (+, -, *, /, %, **
). Ruby has a module for more complex
mathmatical operations Math.sin(1) or Math::PI
. I/O in Ruby is archived
through gets
and puts
When designing a program it is important to follow certain steps to design well:
- Understand the problem
- Write out the problem in plain english
- Rewrite the problem into code
- Test out the code on the computer
No matter how good we design our programs errors will pop up. There are mainly 2 types of errors:
- Syntax Error: code that ruby cannot execute
- Logical Error: error that ruby cannot catch => wrong/undesired result
4 Conditional Structures
Every algorithm has some type of logic flow also known as Flow of Execution. Conditional flow allows us to have more than one flow option. This is accomplished through expressions using boolean operators (true/false) and relations. We can combine various simple expressions to create complex expressions. In order to do this we can use the and and or boolean operators in Ruby. Furthermore we can flip the boolean value of any expression using the ! sign. These operations allow us to alter the logic flow in a program.
At the top of these expressions we have if/elsif/else statements which use the expressions to determine how the program flows.
if condition
# do something
elsif other_condition
# something else
# default case
The condition represents the logical expressions we discussed earlier. It is possible to chain multiple elsif statements to create even complexer logic flow but this becomes increasinly tideous to write and read. A better statement for these situations is a case statement:
age = 12
when age > 12
puts 'You are older than 12'
when age < 12
puts 'You are younger than 12'
puts 'You are 12'
or on a single line as follows:
age = 12
case age
when 13 then puts 'You are older than 12'
when 11 then puts 'You are younger than 12'
else puts 'You are 12'
As the logic flow increases in complexity, it is important to debug our applications effectively. A simple option would be to use puts statements everywhere we expect the value of a variable to change. A slightly better options would be to use Debug Flags which are global variables that allow us to specify if our code is running in debug mode or not and only then increase our application log level using puts statments:
name = 'Alexander'
#expext name = ["A", "l", "e", "x", "a", "n", "d", "e", "r"]
puts name if DEBUG_MODE
#real value of name is ["alexander"]
5 Loop Structures
There are three types of loops in Ruby:
- while loop
- until loop
- for loop
Loops iterate or repeat commands. The While loop is the simplest since it keeps looping while the condition is true:
i = 0
while i < 10 do
puts i
i += 1
On the other hand, the Until keeps looping until the condition is true. Hence is it as simple as flipping the comparison operator:
i = 0
until i > 10 do
puts i
i += 1
The For loop is different altogether as this loop takes a group of elements and loops through all of them. It is possible to nest this loop as well which comes in handy for multidimentional arrays.
integer_list = [1,2,3,4,5]
for i in integer_list do
puts i
A common mistakes programmers make with loops is to create an infinite loop. This happens when there is no exit condition or the exit condition is never met. This is where For loops are handy as they will only loop while there are elements to loop over.
6 Arrays
There are two types of arrays:
- One-Dimensional: has only one index
- Multidimensional: has multiple indexes
Arrays always start at index 0 where the index is the offset from the beginning of the array. Therefore the n-th element is found at index n-1.
It is n - 1 because the array starts at 0 not 1.
As you can see arrays can at times be complicated when we deal with indexes especially of multidimensional arrays. Some of the most common errors programmers make are:
- Forget that the array starts at index 0
- Arary.size is the number of elements in the array not the highest index
- The last index is Array.size - 1
Another common construct we can use which gives us a similar power as arrays, are hashes. Hashes unlike arrays can use any data as their index. This way we can use the string data type to map elements inside an array like structure. The string in this case is refered to as the hash key.
students = Hash.new
# []
students['Alexander'] = { subject: 'Math', present: true }
# ["Alexander"]
# {"Alexander"=>{:subject=>"Math", :present=>true}}
An important aspect of hashes is that the key has to be unique. For that reason, hashes excel at looking up values by custom keys like [“Alexander”] instead of indexes. This makes it quicker to lookup phone numbers, names, emails, etc.
7 Sorting and Searching
Computers spend a tremendous amount sorting. Sorting itself is a problem that is described as followed:
Given a list of elements in any order reorder them so that they appear according to their ordinal value from lowest to highest.
Given the above sequence we can use several sorting algorithms to solve this problem:
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Radix Sort
Selection Sort O(n)
This is the simplest sort algorithm. You pick the smallest number and move it to the beginning of the list and you repeat this process until the list is sorted. You would take these steps for this algorithm:
- Mark list as unprocessed
- Find the smallest element and put it at the beginning
- Repeat step 2 for n - 2 times
Insertion Sort O(n²)
This algorithm works by inserting the number at its right position. These would be the steps you would have to take:
- Considering the first element, the list is sorted
- Take the second element and insert it at its position keeping it sorted
- repeat step 2 until the entire list is sorted.
Bubble Sort O(n)
This algorithm works by repetitively comparing adjacent pairs of cards in the list. This sorting algorithm uses two loops. The outer loops makes sure the process runs n - 1 times while the inner loop is responsible to loop though the list. If the current element is bigger than the element on the right swap them. You would take these steps:
- Loop through all entries in the list
- Compare each entry to all successive entries and swap if out of order
- Repeat this process a total of n - 1 times.
Radix Sort O(dn)
This algorithm works by sorting by successive digits. This way we sort first all the ones digits then the tens digit and so on. This means we first sort the right most digit, then the tens, then the hudreds, etc.
[47, 21, 90] # unsorted
[90, 21, 47] # right most digit is sorted
[21, 47, 90] # the second digit is sorted
# and we are done
Each algorithm can be evaluated by analyzing its complexity. Assuming that each element takes one unit of time how many units of time are required to process a list of n sized elements. We use the on the order of or the big oh (O) notation to note the complexity of an algorithm. For example O(n²) means that the complexity grows exponantially in relation to n or the size of the list.
Another common task computers perform frequently and which build on the sorting algorithms we just learned is searching. When searching a list there are 2 very important questions we must ask ourselves:
- Is the list sorted ?
- Are the elements unique ?
We will go through two types of searches:
Linear Search O(n) is used for unsorted lists. It will just go through the list in a linear fashion and compares each element to the value we are searching until it finds it. In the worst case it will loop though the entire list.
Binary Search O(log₂(n)) is used for sorted lists. The approach is similar to how you would search a phone book. Assuming it is sorted from A-Z we can start at the middle. If the name we look for on the left we look there otherwise we look at the right half. Once again this a rinse and repeat process until we find the name we look for.
8 Using Objects
Software development is prone to repeating code and as applications become more and more complex they become difficult to debug. For those reasons the object oriented (OOP) approach was created. In order to make OOP possible, we have to isolate functionality and we can do that using classes that define objects. Each object has its own private data and methods. In Ruby everything is an object.
API: application programming interface is an interface that allows programmers to use a functionality without having to know how it works under the hood creating a layer of abstraction.
When we donwload ruby on our machine, we also download of Ruby’s API documentation which has 3 headings: files, classes and methods. A class defines and includes all the variables and methods required to make the object work.
As we can see form the Ruby documentation, there are many methods for different built in classes such as the string class’s .length method. But there are also other methods that require a variable or paramter such as the .index(x) method of the string class. These type of methods take input to compute the output.
9 Defining Classes and creating Objects
An object is an instantiation of a class. Every class has a unique name. The syntax for creating a class simple:
student = String.new
String is a buil-in class but we can create own classes capable of encapsulating everything related to a particular student:
class Student
def initialize(name, subject, grade)
@name = name
@subject = subject
@grade = grade || []
def information
puts "Name: #{@student}"
puts "Subject: #{@subject}"
puts "Grades: #{@grades.join(', ')}
def addGrade(grade)
The first part of our class is responsible for initializing all the required values which can come from the user or be a default value. If we don’t do this our attending method would throw an error. The special method initialize is reserved and gets called when a new class is created which is why it is called a constructor. We would use our class this way:
require 'student.rb'
alexander = Student.new('Alexander', :math)
All objects consist of two parts:
- data: variables holding information about the instance
- actions: methods to manipulate the data
Classes group any combination of data and actions needed under a common name.
10 Object Inheritance
One of the most powerful abilities of OOP are relationships. Instead of defining large objects and repeating certain aspects which are shared across similar objects we can use inheritance to define the base and let other objects share the common methods which is called Polymorphism. This way we could create a vehicle class which defines the weight, number of tiers, price, engine power and color. Now we can create a car which inherits from vehicle all those variables and methods and adds some more such as number of doors and windows something that a motorcycle doesn’t have. A motorcycle can inherit from vehicle the same properties without a problem.
class Vehicle
def initialize(tire, price, color, weight, hp, milage)
@tire = tire
@price = price
@color = color
@weight = weight
@hp = hp
@milage = milage
def information
puts "Price #{@price}"
puts "Color #{@color}"
puts "milage #{@milage}"
class Car < Vehicle
def initialize(tire, price, color, weight, hp, milage, windows, doors)
super(tire, price, color, weight, hp, milage)
@windows = windows
@doors = doors
The main reason of doing this is to reduce complexity in other classes, handle shared logic in one place instead of reapting it and in the worst case introduce bugs.
The relationship between classes is expressed as Superclass and Subclass (inherits from superclass). It so happends that we define sometimes methods that do not work for a subclass in which case we can overwrite that method. In ruby it is as simple as defining the method on the current subclass as it will overwrite it by default.
class Car < Vehicle
def initialize(tire, price, color, weight, hp, milage, windows, doors)
super(tire, price, color, weight, hp, milage)
@windows = windows
@doors = doors
def information
# only print the number of doors
puts "Doors: #{@doors}"
Just as there are times where we want to overwrite the method from the superclass there are also times we want to extend a method. When we overwrite a method it executes just the code we define in our overwritten method. But we can also execute the superclass method and then execute our code on top of that using the super keyword.
class Car < Vehicle
def initialize(tire, price, color, weight, hp, milage, windows, doors)
super(tire, price, color, weight, hp, milage)
@windows = windows
@doors = doors
def information
# print the Vehicle Information
# and also print number of doors
puts "Doors: #{@doors}"
11 File input and output
We can manipulate files in Ruby using the File Class. Everytime we use it we have to specify the access mode (read or write):
# access mode -> write (w), read (r)
my_file = File.open('path_to_file', access_mode)
# get one line
# cloes the file when done
In read mode the file is accessed from the start while in write mode it will access the beginning of the file and overwrite any content.
12 Putting it all together
As a final project we are going to build a tic tac toe game. Writing a program like this requires all the steps we have learning thus far. First, we have to to break the problem down into keysteps as we learned in Chapter 1:
- Draw Board
- Ask Player for move
- Validate Move
- Store Move
Given that we interact with a virtual board all the time, we have to first create a board class which defines all the game logic using methods. After that we have to create a game loop which will ask the players for the next move until one player wins or the board is full.