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Introduction to Deeplearning
Deep Learning is an intersection of machine learning and artifical intelligence which is used to transform the world in various areas. Deep Learning automates intellingence using brain like algorithms (neural networks). One of the key parts of Deep Learning is that it makes us think about what it takes to be human and has the potential to automate a lot of skilled labor. This also means that there is a moral part to this new technology.
Solving Directed Acyclic Graphs with Dijkstra’s algorithm
Thus far we have looked at the Breadth First algorithm to solve graphing problems where we had to find the shortest path. However, the shortest path doesn’t mean the fastests.
How to use Matplotlib
Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. It is perfect for visualizing and presenting our data findings in a way that non-tech people can unstand it as well.
A quick look at Numpy
Numpy is a package used for scientific computation. It is fast thanks to its optimized C code core, easy to use and open source.
Take a tour with Pandas
pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool, built on top of the Python programming language.
Solving Graph problems with the Breadth First Search Algorithm
Graph algorithms are some of the most useful ones. Suppose we wanto to go from A to B in the shortest amount of steps. This type of problem is called shortest-path problem. The solution for this type of problem is the breadth first search algorithm. We can use it for finding the smallest number of moves to win a chess game for example. The steps are simple:
How Hashtables work and how to use them
Assuming we want to implement a search for products with a price tag. We could use an array and sort it to using binary search on it (\(\Theta(log{2}n)\)). However, we want to search in \(\Theta(1)\) or constant time and for that we can use a hash function. For a hash function to work, it needs to be consistent and map a key to a value. A hash function returns always the same values for the searched key because a hash function:
How does Quick Sort work ?
Quick sort works by applying the divide and conquer technique which relies on recursion. A problem is broken down to a base case and then recursion kicks in to solve each of those cases. If we have an array for example and want to sum all its members, we can use an array with divide and conquer.
Understanding and changing MAC addresses on Linux
The mac address is the address (identification) of the network/wireless card and it can be used to indentify us. A typical address looks like this: 08:00:27:03:5a:75. The first 3 sets 08:00:27 represent the manufacturer of the card. The second set of 3 is created by the manufecturer and doesn’t mean anything in particular.